Friday, November 21, 2008

school hlday? well its dull !!

gosh !!! school hlday ak sejak last year mcm babi !
ak sng ! pkai babi je ! bwhahahhah!
first week kinda enjoy hari2 bgon lmbt2!
1st week ade gak pgi hang out lepak2 kt pv ngan family
then msk 2nd week dah haram !!
hari2 ak ddk umah !! just arituh pgi tgk ngan makbapak serte akak !
laen2 ak ddk umah !! on9 pastu mkn pastu tgk tv pastu ak tdo !
what a life????
time belom cuti skolah ak dah xited2 pgi cuti sndiri then,
bler dah cuti skolah ak maw pgi skolah plak! nk jmpe mmber2 ak!
gosh! ak dah terbayang !
ni baru cuti skola 2week ak dah mish2 mmber ak !
nnti ! lepas spm? jadah ak skolah agik !!!
waaaaaaaaaaa~ xmo grad larh !
btw, ak x tawu ape jadah ngna life ak?
gettin dull than ever !
bosan bosan and bosan !

mereke2 mncadangkan ak supaye ;

hang out
yeah! hng out i2 sgt arh bes! ak suke gler! but the prob is!
ak ade rakan2 yg ssh gler nk kwar umah !! and kalaw kwar pown kne balek befor or by 6 o'clock

what a life !! siyes xbaper enjoy larh!
tgk wyg,mkn , jln sket then bubbye! hell yeah !!!

(sry 2 say this u guys ) XD
but still !! we hve such a good time larh ! : )

part time job ;
ade arh desas desus suro ak keje prt time kt mcD ke anywhere larh !
what i say ; HELL NO ! ak just rse i'm too young larh untk keje ! eceh! haha! XD
still family ak bole je tanggong ak rite? ak still salute larh dorang yg keje carik dwet sndiri mayb its good for them
but not for me ! i just not ready yet larh ! : ) later2 ok ! haha

what i wanted to do ;

loose weight!!
yeaah! i realy2 work for it rite now !! perghh tiap2 pagi alarm akn bunyik! ak pgi jog mcm jntan jadah!
bwhahah! XD kadang meet arh jog prtner kt taman yg biase ak jog i2! jog ngan dier sgt arh bes ! sbb klakar jadah! time nk jog pown nk bg ak gelak ! even dier cine but who cares ! ak x perkauman ok !! hahah!

and got 2 say i think ! i think larh kan i might loose a bunch of weigh base on what ppl tell me! bwhahahah!
yeaaaa ! XD

meet new ppl ;
yeah! kalaw dpt kenal ngan few new ppl would be nice!
well dapat gak share2 intrst ! learn new thing ! weee~
yerla xkn ngan same ppl je rite??

its time 2 change larh !

vacation ;
OMG! i do realy realy need one!
for god sake dah almost about a year x pgi vacation ok !!
last time ak rse pgi kelantan i2 kot ! i2 pown antr cousin kawen! dapat gak arh ak tgk2 lawot!
skang ni rupe lawot pown ak dah lupe kot ! bwhaha!
siyes ddk kt kl je kinda bosan ok! nk gak pgi luwar2 kl ! just like dorang2 yg luwar kl dorang teringin jugak nk dtg KL ! so do i meyh !! need a break larh from traffic ! segale2 asap !!
fresh air plz ! eceh! haha! XD
but what i kno larh , mayb bln 12 family belah abah maw bwat trip pgi PD ??
PD? i was like "omg how dull would that be"??
but hey ! its bttr than nuthin ! so pgi je larh ! and realy lookin foward for it!
and i missed all my cousin ,aunt and uncle ! so i guess i will hve such a great time with them
just like usual bcoz they are all about fun !! ahha
: )

yeah2! i2 larh certain2 thing ak rse dpt mmbwatkan cuti2 kuwh ini tidak bosan!
well got 2 hve sumthin 2 do rite? kalaw x siyes ak dah telan pnadol 10bijik! ahhaha! XD

and hope it will getin better larh !!!


dalf i.t.u aku said...

part tyme job...
mempromosikan diri
kat sesape..
naty makin makin market woo

umrahani said...

satu pktn ,
pidot .

ahahah !

unknown said...

u had a same situation like me ouhh. adoyyyy :(

reez said...

get urself some strenous exercise
then sleep
enjoy ur holiday/teenhood.....

a world free of commitment and burden

Unknown said...

jime jime :)

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