Monday, July 27, 2009


Stop pretending! Stop this imaginary thingy!Stop it.STOP IT ! I cant handle the truth that I saw,the plain lies u told.You declair with condition,thats maybe why you said that,
thats maybe why you dont feel me and I dont feel you.
Believe me,just by reading, your heart,emotion and love can be tear up like a piece of paper? yeah! It does tear up mine.! Its realy "enjoyable" thing for me to read up your comment and saw the truth.its realy an eye opening.
Maybe friendship suit us well, even I think vice versa. ! I kno this will coming ever since that 10/07/09 thing happen. : )
mayb its not you,
its me,the issue that I'm facing wayyyy much "dramatic" than yours.
Its the self esteem issue. : )
auh. there is no point for me to shout out my emotion here.
I cant even dare asking for your explaination. because Truth Hurt..
dont tell people that you are single eventho you are not,
that is sooo not cool ok !
ok tamat,

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Discipline CRAP !

long time i guess xupdate.
only update if got isu2 bes!
now i do have one !
its all about DISCIPLINE !
ok this entry will be like 10 foot long !

whats up with all this school discipline?
perlu ke? yeah ! on certain thing it is !
tp about appearance xpyh lah kan !
kepoh2 pehal? its our thing ! our right as a human being for GOD SAKE!
kaw bajet sekolah tentere ke?

smpai kuku sume nk check? apekah? mmg ak nk serang org dgn kuku ak tuh!
duhh! =.=
ok,time ak tgh prepare2 nk exam
tibe2 rmbot ak dicantas2 tnpa rse bersalahnye
terkejot,terkedu.termenong,bekace2 mate.
ak tgk rmbot ak jatoh ke bahu.lantai.terbang trosss.
yes ! i do admit salah ak rmbot ak SO CALLED panjang ! its not panjang actly, lebat lahh !
can u bg warning dulu? sedar x action kaw tuh salah? amek tindakan without warning?
bkn ke PERATURAN yg kaw ikot2 tuh kate warning then tindakan?
then why without warning kaw cantas rmbot ak bagai nk bwat ukiran pokok,tnpa berkate2 kt ak terlebih dahulu?
Now i look like someone yg baru habes PLKN !! the rambot so pendek smpai ak xboleh nk cengkam and i swear i can see my scalp
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! T.T
but ak tau, still ak salah : )
just dont like the way u act about it
thats all.
and i kno Cikgu u are the coolest teacher ever ! : )

si cikgu BM bish bahana bajet kaw garang segale.!! ( so not )
auh ak xphm dgn lelaki sorang ni ! he bish ok ! duhh ! =.=
first of all ak dgn si rakan2 yg laen know he dont like us !
sbb bile org laen tnye he will layan u like elok2
but if one of us tnye or do something he will make a big deal about it!
like tinggikan suare dier yg wahhh lunakNYA !! and with all his sarcasm !
bajet comel ke kaw dgn seluar seketat ituh? kaw rse sexy kot ! : )
its not just that
its my PHONE yg kaw rampas ok !!
1st kaw igt tuh phone kwn ak
then ak dgn berani lagi gagah pg admit that is mine !
and kaw tau x
sbb kaw rmpas phone ak
ak tros lupe sume bnde yg ak hafal for chemistry test
ak xboleh buat,otak ak block ! ak jd blank,blur and loose focus !
ak xjwp chem ak,
ak ltk ketas soalan and jwpn bwh meje.
ini sume salah kaw ! salah kaw ! salah kaw !
salah ak siket je! yes ak suke menunding jari !
so what? so do u dude!
and kaw keluarkan lahh point
ak pngws berjaye lah dude !bweekk ! :P
and point .
ok point ituh bagai bodoh !
hey! perlu ke nk amek thing as personal? i mean be professional lah!
xpyh take it as personal ! mengajar je lah ! yg kaw nk emosi2 lebih pehal?
nk touching2 lebih pehal? hormon kaw tuh always xbalance ! nk meradang je keje kaw bukan?
ktorang be nice as we can kt kaw ! tp kaw? xhabis nk bitchy dgn ktorang yerla kaw arn CIKGU!
kaw boleh buat,cakap ape yg kaw suke
smpai kaw sanggup malukan kwn ak dgn membace sekuat2 post dier untk majalah sekolah
and katenye its perli sekolah? gosh u psycho close minded person !! otak kaw seketat seluar kaw! seriously beb ! : )
so why cant we do it the same towards u?
be as bitchy as u
prnh dgr xungkapan "we be treated the way we treat people"
so think about it dude !!

i kno there is stalker in our blog,
i mean the student of SMK SERI KERAMAT blog,
most of the time OUR BLOG !
the senior blog !
i know u guys are lame!
wannabe as cool as we are!
ok,statement ak melampau
because if u ever wrote about ur teachers or school
it soon will be kepoh satu staff room,
owh i still cant get over the 2006 case
when the ustaz berceramah dgt ak dgn lala about our blog !
gosh ! stupid u ! : )
it will be a topic kt asssembly court.

i mean the cikgu lahh akan ckp kt situh,nasihat2 segale
and nothing much worst if smpai msk office because what u wrote in ur own blog !
its stupid because its our life luar pagar sekolah !

get ur own blog and write about us arhh if xpuas hati ! duhhh! =.=
stop making us even more FAMOUS lahh !
we had enough fame meyh !
weeeeeeeeeeeee ~

ok tamat.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mak kaw tak reti jaga laki !

ok jgn marah,
ak just nk gile perhatian kt sini
of course(intonasi laura) mak korang reti jage laki meyh !
ok merapu disituh.
nnti aku update elok2 oke!
kesian fans ak yg berjuta2 nih tgu
(pengaruh azwan hj ali )

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Update !

impian DSLR punah,
mungkin kemudian hari : )
aku oke shj .
mungkin benar, ak tidak betol2 perlu DSLR ituh
jadi, handphone baru serete jam ituh jd kewajipan ok si ibu?

result si mid term amat amat terok.
well, dasar slut lah aku.
kerana failed dgn sebegith banyak sekali
seperti kate kawan2 ak "mcm lah xbiase"

Now ak rse hidop lebih bahagie !
ngeeeeeeee ~ : D

dgn kawan2 yg well, sudah kembali seperti normal
auh lupe ! kawan2 "realiti" ok !
bkn si kawan cyber,
kawan cyber masih ramai yg CRAPY BYOTCH.
hell sahje pade mereke . : )

YES ! ak percaye money can make people even more closer
ngeee ! : )


ak tidak tersenarai sebagai salah seorang pelatih KHIDMAT NEGARA.
sedih je. ! : (

ak tipu
ak lege actly ! HAHA
well, dorang dorang kate ianya sgtlah best.
mungkin benar kata mereke.
ak juge mungkin berkate bgituh jike ak mnjdi si PELATIH laa
tp ak xpg
jd ak lege dn bahagie krn ak xperlu "tan" kulit ak disane!
tidk perlu botak disane
simpati ak terhadap rakan2 ak disekolah yg terpakse pergi
riaksi mereke ketike mndpt SMS balasan dr plkn amat mngerikan!
ade yg jerit

ad yg sudah2 membelai2 rambut.
ad yg sudah dipaksa berPACKING oleh ak

tp xpe,
ak sure mereke akan enjoy disane! : )
once in lifetime ok !

and ak mungkin bukan si LALA halim dimane entry beliau sarat dgn kata2.
jdi ak berhenti di sini shj.
ak sekadar mahu mengUpdate meyh

ok tamat,