Friday, June 26, 2009

The death of M.Jackson

he suffered cardiac arrest in his home.
ok ! u guys might say "What the heck is cardiac arrest".
luckly I do take biology for my SPM
: )
Cardiac arrest is an abnormal heart rhythm that stops the heart from pumping blood to the body.
It can occur after a heart attack or be caused by other heart problems
so ! I think he hve that heart problem .
he died at the age of 50.
he such a talented person
a fantastic performer
and also a a uniter of black and white music
who shattered the race barrier on MTV
dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.
he also selling more than 61 million albums in the U.S.!
US only ok! not world wide
there is saying that he is actualy a muslim
I'm glad hearing that !
and there also saying that this is his first year
pity him, he didnt get the chance to celebrate the fasting month .
look at the bright sights,
he got the "hidayah ALLAH" .
so by that he become a muslim
and Allah love him more than we do
sure Allah got a better place for him.
condolence to the Jackson's family.
and to all the muslim
Al-fatihah to the late Mikail.
may he rest in peace and his soul is blessed by Allah SWT.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Craving for DSLR !!!

OMG! i do need one !! please mama ! i want one !!
ok ! its not just for FUN for god sake !
its my passion ok ! my passion !!

u kno how much i love taking photo rite
and u baru je dpt "duit tanah" rite?
hello! its more than 30k laahhh
i xmintak bende laenn
just this Camera !
which is not gonna cost u more than 3k laahh !
pleasee ! pleasee ! please ! please ! please !!
nk satu !!!!
xmntk bende laenn lahh mama !

dont say this to me " arghhh ! mahal arhh! membazir ! jgn harap lahh "
goshh !!!
then i will cry for the rest of the month !
please ok ma?? i want one!
i'm BEGGING u !!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

YES! truth hurt SYG !!

1st ! syg tuh ditujukan secare umum
tidak ak point jari kt sape
jdi spekulasi spekulasi demi menghanjeng ak
tidak diterime same sekali
: )
yeah! truth does hurt sometime
ni padangan ak,
ak merasekan the "truth teller" hurt the most !
byk bnde yg harus difikirkan oleh si "teller"..
ak dh benci dan meluat
apabile ak dipakse ok ! dipakse ! dipakse!
*diulang 3x bg menunjukan emosi yg jelas
untk mnjdi si "truth teller"
dialog manis :
" alahh tell me the truth."
"i need u to be honest with me "
"i xkesah lahhh, aslkn u baek, blaah blaaah blaaa

*ok dialog sgt lame. ! bodoh !

bile ak mnjadi si lidah benar..
mereke menafikan kebenaran yg lidah ak tuturkan.
"eyh! tipu laa"
"i tau u xmcm tuh"

*at this point ak akan sentiase menyirap! dont kno why laa ! : )

ok ! kau xboleh terime kebenaran yg kaw mintak dr ak.
yg ak bagi,
yg ak cmpak
yg ak WELL, xrele pon !
tp kaw?
kaw? kaw? DENY ! DENY ! DENY
DENY all the truth yg ak bg !
ak cukop jujor ok bg tau sblm ape2 perbutaan terlarang terjadi
*owh so gay !

kaw jelas jelas sekali xdpt terime knyataan
xdpt terime realiti
*kaw igt ak seCANTEKKKK seHOTTTTTT seMELEPAKKKK gmbar ms ke huh?
ok sebelom ni , blm sempat ak bukak mate.
ringtone "live ur life" dh memekak satu bilek
memakse ak untk bgn dr tdo,mandi,mkn and all CRAP that related.
begituh juge sbmlm kaw dn ak tido.
brckp serte memesan bende2 yg CRAPP !!
yg adoooo
*kate2 hikmat azwan ali
kaw lari ! jaohhhh
sejaoh kaw berade sekarang
kaw berpure2 disebalek SMS plastik.
arini ak xdgr kabar dari kaw
itu tande kaw dh mati .
*yes!mulot ak mmg gampang ! : )

okk fine ! ak dh biase dgn org yg tidak boleh menerime kebenaran

kaw hnye nk hidop berdasarkn ap yg kaw mahu seseorang ituh jdi;



HELLO ! pegi mati boleh x?
ak saket hati !!

ok tamat;


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fight Fight !

sape2 yg agak ikot blog ak,
akan tau, ak agak ade isu dgn abg sulong !
ok, ak akan menaip segale dialog yg ak igt tentang pergaduhan bodoh si adek beradik
well, ak xbodoh ttg pergaduhan ni,
tp ak rse org yg ak gadoh ituh yg bodoh, ! : )
ak xmahu sebot name abg ak
well, ak akan gune name abg A dn abg B .

jime ; abg A,basoh la cawan kaw tuh ,
abg B, basoh lahhh mangkok kaw tuh

abg A ; ( snyap bace paper , tiade respond )

abg B ; Bile mase ak makan?

okk, time ni ak dh mnyirapp bagai nk gile.kaw dh mencekek kaw x mngaku ! BODOH !

jime ; laahhh, yg tdi kaw mkn apam balek ltk dlm bowl tuh mnde? igt ak xnmpk

abg B ; yang kaw ckp mcm gangster ni knp?

jime ; Bkn masalahnye gangster ke ap, tp korang masing2 dh makan dh minom sume tgl je
kt dapo tuh, nnti sape nk basoh? abah dgn mak jugak kan?

abg B ; abestuh? kaw xbole ckp elok2

ketike ini, ak rse mcm HEY! kaw nk suro ak ckp "syg syg, pg basoh pngan heh syg? " duhh !

jime ; ak ckp elok2 pon xgune! korang kalaw ak ckp elok2 bkn korang buat ! ni ak dh ckp mcm
ni kaw pegi buat lahh! bukan sekali korang buat mcm ni ! dh byk kali ok !!

abg B ; baek kaw diam sebelom kaki ak naek kt kepale kaw

jime ; .........

OK! ak mempunyai sorang abg yg mcm cilake,selfish ! abg B lahh !
dier b4 this xprnh kene tego dgn ap yg die buat
then tibe2 si adek bongsu dier tego
so kirenye agak KEJUTAN BUDAYE lah.
Ok, rite now ak just ade 4 org adek beradik.
kaw, ! dah terkeluar dr list ak ! !
xprnh anggp kaw as abg ak !
dr dulu lg ! since perangai kaw yg mcm tuh
ok tamat ;

Friday, June 5, 2009

Terbiase tanpa sengaje. : )

Ak tau.
ak selalu mngikis harta family
meminte benda yg bukan bukan.

Ak yg si :

  • High maintenance,
  • Shopping for labels,

Ak sedar and ak tau ttg hakikat sadis tuh !
well, bkn nk belagak mahupon mahu meninggi hidong
tp mcm tuh lahh ak dibesarkan,
sudah biase badan ak dipakaikan dgn barang2 yg bagus kualitinye.
setiap inci tubuh badan ak sudah biase dgn barangan yg "namenye"sedap telinge mendengar dn cemburu mate melihat. ! XD
bkn tidak pandang barangan yg tidak berjename,
tp enth.selera ak tidak kesitu.
YES ! ak tau ak "bajet"
ak sudah terbiase,
terbiase tanpa disengajekan.
jd jgn jeling melihat seorang pelajar sekolah menengah kerajaan dgn "all those brand"
jgn merpetikaikan keTulinan barang itu semua
kerana ianya jelas menonjolkan diri kamu yg sentiase tidak puas hati terhadap org laen.
tidak perlu melontarkan persoalan bodoh seperti
"ori ke qsilver kaw? "
dn tidak perlulahh ak memalukan kaw dgn jawapan
"Ori lahh, ak ade simpan resit. maw tgk ke? "
serious,x enjoy buat bgitu.
ak si shopping for labels

ianye kerana semua itu tidak disengajekan dn sudah menjadi lumrah hidop ak sebegitu kalian kalian : )
ak sedar, ak menggali selagi ade duet family untk mdptkan semua itu ;
I'll pay back as soon i get a job, it is not just "a job"
it is gonna to be a Bankable job!
ak akan smbong belajar setinggi dn semampu ak
ak hendak bg kemewah kpd family ak,
kpd bakal waris ak
hasil gabungan ovum+sperm
that is my promise..

ok tamat;

Monday, June 1, 2009

The one with ;

The one with : Mid Term Examination
yeppie ! Mid Term dh habes ! so menarik nafas lege skjp ! but well,trial just around the block arh ! tp ade ak kesah? CAK CAK CAK ! haha !
paper yg ak jwp sume mcm MEMBAWE kpd gred E,F shj, ak dpt merasekann byk yg terlolos msk longkang,gaung dan sume yg berkait !
sume bukan salah soalan yg susah ituh , tp sume salah ak si pemalas nk study ! weeeeee~ XD
nnti ade SMK.Seri Keramat open days. xmo arh jmput si mak abah , bwat malu jepp ! nnti ak ckp kt dorang yg report card ak terbakar ! HAHA .

The one with : All the kelas tambahan
yay semester break!! sekarang ak bole senyum selebar lebarnye memikirkan ttg aktiviti mengangkang yg ak dh plan serte aktiviti bgon oh-selagi-x-pukul-12 ituh . ! Tapi, "berite gembire" muncul . 1st whole week , kelas tmbhn dkt sekolah 2nd whole week tuisyen. GOSH ! but, dorang kate its good for me ! alahhh katenye its gonna to be my last kelas tambaan lahh , lepas ni xde ! and bloody yeah its true ! so ak dgn hati yg terbuke sudi lahh dtg ! sure sure melelehhhhh otakk ak belajar bagai nk rak ! HAHAHA

The one with : Novel addiction
ok ! ak skang xtau knp ketagih si novel ! actly since sekolah rendah ak ketagih novel ni ! got to mention bukan si novel cinte tangkap leleh ok and ak xbace novel BM sbb ak jadi xphm dgn bahase2 puitis sanskrit yg digunekan ! no offence ppl ! no offence ! bkn nk kate ak belagak bace novel english jep , but frankly speakin . ak lebih phm bahase die ! and bahase dier much simple and nt complicated lahh! yeah yeah!
btw, back to our topic. ak dh bwat shopping list for all the novel yg ak nk beli just tgh tgu approval serte cop mohor bg meluluskan bajet belanjawan novel tahunan from my so called BANK which is the parents and the sista BANK !! HAHAHA .! lets cross our fingger bersame !! BTW, u guys should read " The Secret Blog Of Raisin Rodriguez" ! Thanks to sara for the novel ! weehuuu ! sape2 yg ade blog seharusnye bace that novel ! realy2 nice lah ! heehehe

The one with : Malaysia Certificate of Education
well, i not longger call it SPM bcoz its sound sooo UNcool , ( bacaan "soooo" tuh 5 harkat ok? ) XD !
so MCE lahh ! HAHA . persedian mnghadap SPM tuh belom ade lg ! hehe ! xsedar diri lg nih. hope lepas cuti ni tersedar lah ak yer ! weehuuuu ! Ugutan ugutan mak ak mnjadi pndorong utama doh " kalaw xpast siap lahh "
serte . "pg tuisyen bagai nk rak sane sini, tp kalaw xscore xtau lahh "
wuuuuu ~ pembakar smngt or pembakar perasaan jep ? HAHAHA ! both lahh ! XD

ok tamat ;